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  Hello people 😁😁
 Happy New Year πŸ’–πŸ’–

How is the first day of the new year? 
Well, I assume we all made our resolutions for this year. So let me ask you something why most people fail when it comes to accomplishing resolutions?. The main reason is that it is not as realistic and practical as they are supposed to be according to our lives. For resolutions to be achievable it should be realistic and practical for us. What I want to say is that make some resolutions which inspires you to work hard every single day.

For example: 

  • For some people, their resolution may be to become a bodybuilder, but they have not done a gym before. 
  • For some, it may be to read a lot of books, but they never had a habit of book reading before. 
  • For some, it may be to become completely  social, but they were shy till now

I am not trying to demotivate you or something. I am not saying that we should not have them but I feel resolutions should be realistic  

Like it could be :
  • When it comes to bodybuilding in the case of beginners, the goal could be to start going gym
  • In the case of non-book readers, it could be to start reading books 
  • For shy people, the goal could be to start talking to people. 

What I am trying to say is make realistic goals if you really want to feel improvement next year. 

So what are my resolutions this year?

Basically, I have two goals for this year which are quite a long term.
 I am motivated to work towards them from dusk till dawn and I am working on it. 
My first goal is to make sure that my content goes to mass audiences and helps in making a positive change in people’s life. 
My second goal is to be more social and talk to more and more people and learn from them.


Set resolutions which are 
  1. Realistic
  2. Practical     for you
  3. Inspirational


  • People will believe you only when you believe in yourself 
  • Self-improvement is the best investment 
  • You have your own reasons to be amazing πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ 

Make sure you enjoy and achieve a lot this year. 


Divyansh Tuteja 


  1. You're the best divyansh ❤️

  2. Thank you Dude for such a valuable talk. Happy New Year and Good Luck for 2020!!


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