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Connecting the Dots: The Wise Advice by Steve Jobs

Hello People 💜
How is life?

Instagram Handle: embracing.flaws             Twitter Id: Tutejadivyansh                                                     

Here is the thought of the day:

Well, what do I mean by connecting the dots?. Connecting the dots basically means understanding the reality that whatever failure happens in life, it will lead you to a path that you will never regret choosing. A lot of times, we lower our self-esteem because of failures and become too hard on ourselves. This is not the best way to deal with failures. In this blog, we will discuss 'Connecting dots theory' and other questions regarding it. 

  • What was the 'Connecting the Dots theory' of Steve Jobs?.

    In 2004, at the commencement of Stanford University, Steve Jobs shared some of his stories that encouraged millions of people including me to believe in themselves. So, he shared that he was kicked out of Apple, the company he built and it was a heartbreaking moment for him. However, then he meets the love of his life, became the CEO of the Pixar company and built an American computer and software company named 'Next'. So, then he gives moral value to the students of Stanford University that, had he not failed that miserably, he would never have achieved this and he concludes it by saying "it was awful tasting medicine but I guess the patient needed it". 

    •     I feel like I am good for nothing. All I have is pressure from family to study well and get a job and become financially stable. I want to do something different. I want to be successful. What do I do?

    It takes a lot of time to completely understand that,  what is it that you really like and you want to make something out of it. In the beginning, it is always cloudy about what you want to do in life, but with experiences and satisfaction, it all becomes clear. Regarding this Steve Jobs says 'Have the courage to follow your heart and intuitionThey somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary". So, if you feel like writing, singing, talking, reading or anything that is special for you, then do that. Who knows, what route will be the best for you. 

    • How do I decide that it is my passion?. If it is not, then what do I do?. 

    Most of the time, it does not get clear pretty easily, that it is your passion. A wise man once advised me "Finding passion is all about passion". Experiencing this by myself, I can safely say this it can take 2 months, 2 years or more than that to find your true passion. However, in spite of this, there will always be an inner voice that would suggest you do something that you like. It will take you somewhere. When I started blogging, I did not know that I would start an Instagram page or I will write for my college magazines. It just happened and I am grateful for it. 

    • Can I have more than one passion? Is it possible?

    Yes, it is possible, it is very likely to have more than one passion. It is all on you, do not be so hard on yourself that is all I can say. Just do what your heart says and soon you will be the happiest person in the world. 

    • Is it possible to balance my interests/passion with my college/work life?

    Yes, the truth is that we can balance it. However, it requires a lot of discipline and sacrifice to make this happen. This will happen, if you are consistent enough, then that day is not that far away. Of course, there will be days when everything will be haphazard but soon it will be alright. 

    Did I miss any of your questions?.
    If you still have a question. Comment down below. 



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