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Top 4 Books For Passion, Inspiration, Relationships and Contentment

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Instagram Handle: embracing.flaws                 Twitter Id: Tutejadivyansh 

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Welcome to my blog!. Today I am going to tell you about the 4 books that changed my life for good. These books will help you in improving your emotional intelligence, building your mindset. They will also help you in identifying your passion and would inspire you to be dedicated to it. 

They were one of my best reads, and it really changed my way of living life.

I hope it works for you too!

This book is all about what mindset we should have in order to succeed in life. In this book, the author Shiv Khera covers some of the very important aspects of life such as the importance of attitude, goal setting, self-esteem, interpersonal skills, etc. Planning to start reading a self-improvement book, this is for you. It is one of the best self-improvement books in the market. It builds your mindset of a person who is likely to be successful.
 It was my first self-improvement I read in class XII, it was incredible.

Well, those who are about to enter their college life or are struggling in their college life, this book is for them. This book addresses strategies to deal with all the problems we face in teenage life or we are still facing. The author Sean Covey urges us to understand our problems in life and overcome it to make the best out of our teenage life. It is a must-read book. It is basically a Do's and Dont's for a college student. 

Unlike most self-improvement books, this one guides you to make your personal brand by following your passion. This book requires not much explanation as we all know Gary Vaynerchuk who is highly successful and one of the top influencers of America. It is truly a must-read inspirational book. If you are confused about your life and struggling to find what you love or even if you have found and you want to earn by your passion, then read this book. 

This is one of the classics by Dale Carnegie and helps a lot in improving our relations with our friends, family, etc. In this book, the author tells us about various techniques that improve our people management skills. Whether it is in the corporate world, student life, we all need to make better relationships with people. It is an action-based book. It will help you in building a pleasing personality. 
I have read this book only once, I am reading it again as in the book Dale suggests to read this book again and again until those techniques become our habit.

Did I miss anything out?
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Also, be sure to read these books and share this blog with the people you love.

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