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How To Stand Out In A Crowd

 Instagram Handle: embracing.flaws                       Twitter Id: Tutejadivyansh                                                               
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Hey people 💜
How's life?

Well, everyone kind of already knows that to make a better life we have to do something daily in order to be extraordinary. So, what this article is about? No, it's not about how to do it. This article is about why to push a little extra everyday.   


Never the less, doing any physical activity for 4 days every week will encourage you to be productive. Be it any physical activity such as dance, gym, sports, etc, we make goals when it comes to fitness and we always push ourselves for achieving them. For instance, let’s say we are now habitual to go to the gym. I would say the gym because currently, I am going to the Gym but you can relate with any of the physical activity. So, yes a time comes when we decide now its time to make some goals to transform our body. Then we set goals, say to increase muscular mass by 4 kgs or lose weight 4 kgs in 2 months or to increase Flexibility maybe. This inspires us to do push ourselves, so we change our lifestyle from an unhealthy one to a healthy one. Then, with more of hard work and dedication, we begin to see changes in our body and then we happily work towards it. Finally, after 2 months we achieve success. Yes, that’s a success.
 So, if we can do this for our health, then why not for our career?

Remember that day, when we pushed ourselves for some skill, for example, public speaking, book reading, socializing, etc. Then, gradually we start to love the process too. As we realize that, we are better than the people that do not even take the required steps to improve themselves, even if we fail sometimes. However, we eventually succeed if we push ourselves. Our self-esteem reaches the maximum level. Right?. Then, what would be our self-esteem if we challenge and push ourselves daily? Imagine having that self-esteem daily in us. We will love our life. 
So, why to stay on the bed?. Let’s get up and make something out of this life. 

Yes, they say SKY IS THE LIMIT, which absolutely makes sense when it comes to life. However, if we think about daily events, we can not have that picture that the sky is the limit. Here’s the thing: “I am going to push myself a little extra today” that is what will lead to consistency and make a true difference because that is achievable.  So, finally, when we go to bed, we realize the mistakes we made for the day, but the relief that we pushed ourselves a little extra will make us happy.  

Let's start AND NEVER STOP
So, if this is clear that we have to push ourselves daily. Then, now what’s left?. It is a brief analysis of our life. Of course!!. We have to think about what we need to do, to push ourselves daily. If you are currently reading a novel, then challenge yourself ‘’Today I will finish this, come what may”. If working on some skills, then work on it every day. If struggling in relationships, then analyze the situation and take the necessary steps to improve the situation.
Do not sit and wait for life to happen!.

What's your challenge for today? 
Comment down below!


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