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6 Pieces Of Advice That Might Save Your Life One Day:-

Hey people 💜

Instagram Handle:  embracing.flaws 
Twitter Handle: Tutejadivyansh

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Well, there are some experiences in life, that had helped me a lot in shaping myself as a better person. So, People here I present you my 6 pieces of advice that might save your life one day. 

1. Depression is a life-changing battle. 

You know it is a very debatable topic, but in my opinion, depression is normal until we sync on to it. You will find a lot of people who dealt with depression in their life, however, they gradually did a comeback. A lot of successful people, such as Sandeep Maheshwari, JK Rowling, Randeep Hooda, Lady Gaga and a lot more. Depression is a dark phase where you are filled with negative thoughts in mind. You cannot do anything but be negative. Those hard times are the ones, you will never forget and this always inspires you to give your best. 

2. Better health means a better life. 

I remember the time when everything seemed so difficult, it was all stress and overthinking. Later I realized that I was not taking good care of my health. When I started taking care of my health, my mood and productivity drastically changed, I felt so much better and had more positive thoughts. It is a fact that the people who have better health, have better mood and productivity. So, people spare some time for your health and be super productive

3. Value of time

Stop blaming that- some unnecessary shit like Netflix, porn movies, mobile phones, etc is making your time go away. Start valuing your time, it is limited. No matter what you do, it cannot be brought back. It is limited.  So, value your time and be the hardest worker in the room. You should have fun only when you earn it, not when your life revolves around it. 
4. Relations with people 

People's relations are very important in life, like a lot more emphasis on this point. I cannot help but to be completely honest with you, I was never good with people until now. Some mistakes I did in my relationships made me realize that I need to work on my people management skills. Seriously, being kind to people is a key to make great relations with people. So, try to be super kind to people and this will make you feel very good from inside. Talk to more and more people, learn something new and be a good listener. Talking to people will improve your communication skills. 

And also, we do not make sacrifices for other people, but we expect others to grow fond of us. Being true to one's qualities of being straightforward and coming across as selfish consequently is appreciated, but we might also end up losing people.

5. Never settle for average. 

You know more than 40 percent of people are not doing what they like. Being different from the crowd requires courage. It is very easy to be average like everyone else. Want to stand out from the crowd, do something you really like doing and make something out of it. First of all, find it by exploring your interests and then the day will come when you will find it. 

6. Do something principle. 

You know this principle has changed my life. 'Do something principle' suggests that do not sit and wait for life to happen, do something that interests you. Don't be like other people doing the same shit, again and again, be unique. This is how I started blogging, Just do whatever your heart says. 

  • Don't just sit and wait for life to happen. 
  • Stand out from the crowd, make your own brand.
  • Never settle for average.
  • Just do whatever your heart says. 

Action Plan for 2020:
  • Feeling bored, go for a walk, not for a TV series. 
  • This time when taking stress, take a break, set priorities and get shit done. 
  • This time when someone says ''You can't!'', stand up for yourself and say you can and do it.
  •  Your potential is unlimited but time is limited, it's now or never.  

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